Leaderless Emergence Order

What happens when there is no leader? Starlings, bees, and ants manage just fine. In fact, they form staggeringly complicated societies — all without a Toscanini to conduct them into harmony. This hour of Radiolab, we ask how this happens. http://www.radiolab.org/story/91500-emergence/ Swarm Theory and Swarm Intelligence are essentially what’s covered …

Government and Conscience

In a post ‘debate’ interview today Daniel Ellsberg said got a letter from Edward Snowden recently. It was the US Constitution, Snowden signed it, adding a quote to this effect, “The most dangerous man in government is a man with a conscience.” Well said Snowden. It’s not an argument for no …

Mapping Institutional Privilege, Capitalism and Racism (Inalienist Versus Alienist Institutions)

The historical Classical Liberal debate between consent vs. coercion, or within the sphere of consent itself, came down to Delegation vs. Alienation, and coercion was seen as neither delegation nor alienation for reason. Coercion Consent Consent Alienation (translatio) Delegation (concessio) The table above maps to the blue model of institutions …