Game Theory and Anarchism

From: Bryan Douglas Caplan <bdcaplan at symbol phoenix dot Princeton.EDU> Subject:Game theory and evolution To: libernet-d at symbol Dartmouth dot EDU (Wed, 27 Oct 1993 14:08:15) I’ve recently been reading a book called Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism by Peter Marshall, and it has sparked a few thoughts on …

Self Governance Government is a relatively new human phenomenon, and even as it exists today the State is not everywhere doing every thing, thankfully. We do plenty without State intervention or consent, some deliberately, and in some places the state fails (see Fragile State Index, formerly Failed State Index). When …

Democratic Failure

Democracy fails in many respects. One of the main failures is that its coercive, or an enemy of liberty in the Lockean sense of violating the normative claim of the “respect” principle, i.e. the consent theory. The consent theory of government is “the universal demolisher of all governments, but not the builder of any” Josiah …