Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s Argumentation Ethic: A Critique

Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s Argumentation Ethic: A Critique by Bob Murphy and Gene Callahan   originally here. Anarcho-capitalist theorist Hans-Hermann Hoppe justly enjoys a reputation for controversial positions and uncompromising scholarship. Perhaps his most famous result, the argumentation ethic for libertarianism, purports to establish an a priori defense of the justice of …

What is Debt? – An Interview with Economic Anthropologist David Graeber

video on “Debt 1st 5,000 years” source with more comments by Graeber: here written Interview below conducted by Philip Pilkington, a journalist and writer based in Dublin, Ireland. Philip Pilkington: Let’s begin. Most economists claim that money was invented to replace the barter system. But you’ve found something quite different, am …

Free Will and Autonomous Will

Victor J. Stenger In a recent short book neuroscientist Sam Harris pulls no punches on one of humanity’s oldest philosophical problems: “Free will is an illusion.”1 We don’t exist as immaterial conscious controllers, Harris claims, but are instead entirely physical beings whose decisions and behaviors are the fully caused products of the brain and …

Boom and Busted Cliff

http://prezi.com/6qwwjijonrps/boom-bust/ workandwealth.com Theory: Lindy Davies Prezi: Jacob Shwartz-Lucas As land values keep rising, homeowners borrow still more against their real estate in home equity loans… Landowners expect land values to keep increasing. So, they will not sell land for what it is currently worth, but for what it will be …

Child Versus Adult “Value”

This news story: “what if children mattered no matter where they lived and died?” made me ask “what if humans mattered no matter where they lived and died?” The story basically alludes to the recent massacre in Newtown, Connecticut: When we draw comparisons between a particular event and other similar tragedies, it is …