“Soft” and “Hard” Arguments Against The State

brainpolice source The point that I’m about to make has been brought up before in the context of critiquing propertarianism (or absolutist propertarianism), but I’d like to highlight it more explicitly in the context of anti-state arguments. My tone and purpose here will hopefully be less confrontational and more constructive. There is …

Putting The NAP In Its Proper Context

brainpolice source I contend that the non-aggression principle is not a contextless axoim and it requires a specific definition of the difference between genuine self-defense and the initiation of violence. There is a grave problem that thin libertarianism and plumb-line libertarianism runs into, which is that the non-aggression principle has …

On Amoralist Anarchism

brainpolice I’ve been a part of numerous online social networks or general social groups online that contains some amoralist anarchists, who either are former libertarian anarchists who have come to reject libertarianism or they are anarchists who rejected libertarianism from the get-go and reached the conclusion of anarchism from a …

Anarchism! = “Giving Up”

Originally posted at LessGovernment.com. brainpolice I’ve seen it expressed in many different ways: “I hate the government, but anarchy would be even worse.” “Voting for radical reformers is one thing, but we shouldn’t just throw away our republic/democracy/whatever!” “Anarchists want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.” ”Getting rid of …

Praxeological ethics?

brainpolice I recently read an essay by Adam Knott about how praxeology makes a judgment that coercion is bad. I enjoyed the essay, but was left with the feeling that his argument was not very solid, despite being very creative. Essentially, his argument is that praxeology says that happiness occurs …