No War

On a simpleton note, acts of aggression violate NAP and the self-ownership principle, but as cited elsewhere, both of these ‘principles’ have issues. War Resisters League Backing up Globalization with Military Might The Pentagon Papers and Beyond States and standing armies, or career soldiers, almost go hand in hand. In …

No Usury

Francois Tremblay and Noor Mehta source 1. What constitutes usury, and why is it wrong? Usury is the process by which an owner receives a constant sum of money or percentage of revenues from another person using their capital. Depending on the nature of the property that is loaned out, the …

No Theft

“Here the road forked. They found that they must turn either to the right or to the left,—follow either the path of Authority or the path of Liberty. Marx went one way; Warren and Proudhon the other. Thus were born State Socialism and Anarchism” — socialism sans-State. Benjamin Tucker “For …

No State

The consent theory of government is “The universal demolisher of all governments, but not the builder of any.” Josiah Tucker “…no man is good enough to govern another man, without the other’s consent.” Abraham Lincoln Abe didn’t get it, unless he agrees with Robert Nozick and the idea that you can …

No Patents

see: Did You Say “Intellectual Property”? It’s a Seductive Mirage Stephan Kinsella on Intellectual Property The Libertarian Case Against Intellectual Property Intellectual Property is Murder Open Source World Benjamin Tucker: “…the patent monopoly, which consists in protecting inventors and authors against competition for a period long enough to enable them to …

No Money Monopoly

“In a genuinely free banking market, any voluntary grouping of individuals could form a cooperative bank and issue mutual bank notes against any form of collateral they chose, with acceptance of these notes as tender being a condition of membership. Abundant cheap credit would drastically alter the balance of power …

No Market approach

Although I think markets have a place in society, and are a natural outcome of community(econ pages) I think it is worth examining the ideas in this work: States created markets, markets require states, neither could continue without the other, at least in anything like forms we recognize today…markets are …

Anarchism pages

“I’m not an anarchist but anarch ism [sic] has some deep truths that one has to take into consideration.” Cornel West “It seems to me that the truly American revolution would be to abolish power.” Karl Hess Like most isms there is a plethora of variation in the isms. Practically …

Rights Are Santa Claus

Dabooda source I question the usefulness of the idea that people have natural, god-given, inalienable human rights.  It’s been given a fair trial over the last several centuries, and it doesn’t work. As philosophers have noted, “rights” are a moral concept, without existence outside the human mind.  In the context …